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[공무원] 2019.10.12 서울시 7급 - 어휘문제 정답 100% 적중

등록일 2019.10.15 조회 2,434

2019.10.12 서울시 7급 - 어휘문제 정답 100% 적중

어휘문제 - 경선식 수능(수), 공편토(공), 최고난도(최)에서 100% 적중

(숙어, 중학 수준의 기초 어휘 제외)

그 외 정답과는 관계없는 mousy, hyaloid 과도한 난이도의 고난도 어휘가 출제 되었습니다. 

1. 밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가장 먼 것은?

Jonathan slandered(공) Mr. Perriwinkle by telling everyone in school that the principal wore a toupee.

libel (공)

calumniate (공)

commend (공)

depreciate (공)


밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가장 가까운 것은? (2~4)

2. It’s an absolute bonanza(공) for the potential buyers.

windfall (공)

debacle (공)

strategem (수)

ingenuity (공)


3. She is often rebellious to my parents, and has a laid-back attitude towards life.

mettlesome (최)

mousy (X 비)

blithe (최)

hyaloid (X 비)


4. One characteristic of the Renaissance was a new expression of wealth, and the related consumption of luxury goods. Economic and political historians have fiercely debated the reasons for the changes in demand and consumption from the 14th century onwards. The belief in the flowering of the spirit of the Renaissance is at odds with the general belief that the 14th and 15th centuries experienced a profound period of economic depression.

discordant (공)

consonant (수)

commensurate (공)



5. 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

For Enlightenment thinkers, the notion of civilization was           connected with the idea of social progress, namely the triumph of rationality over religion, the decline of local, particular customs and the rise of natural science.

exploitatively (공)

insipidly (공)

rarely (수)

inextricably (공)


6. 글의 흐름상 , 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

It is generally believed that most of criminals are not any kind of ordeal. Even though the criminals are successful in the accusation and are proved innocent for a moment, they are doomed to exact constant, physical and mental abuse on themselves.


      ㉠                                  ㉡

chained to                     weaseling(공) out

fettered(최) by                 nodding(수) through

exempted(공) from           complying(수) with

emancipated(공) from        evading(수) from