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[공무원] 2019.10.12 지방직 7급 - 어휘문제 정답 100% 적중

등록일 2019.10.15 조회 1,962

2019.10.12 지방직 7급 - 어휘 문제 100% 적중

어휘문제 - 경선식 수능(수), 공편토(공)에서 100% 적중

(숙어, 중학 수준의 기초 어휘 제외)

밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. [1.2.]

1. Knowing the odds of side effects and making sure to get periodic checkups that would pick up an adverse(수) reaction, I chose to focus on the drugs’ potential benefits.

harmful (수) 

favorable (수)

addictive (수)



2. The Canadian government backed down on a threat to impose sanctions against Calgary-based Talisman Energy Inc., eliciting a rebuke from the U.S. State Department.

devised (수)

unfolded (공)

withdrew (수)

reinforced (수)


10. 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것은?

No one is very comfortable making a large investment while the currency values fluctuate(공)almost daily.

sway (공)

linger (공)

duplicate (공)

depreciate (공)



17. 밑줄 친 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

When the white people first explored the American West, they found Native Americans living in every part of the region, many of them on the Great Plains. White people saw the Plains Indians as (A) , but in fact each tribe had its own complex culture and social structure. They didn’t believe that land should be owned by individuals or families, but should belong to all people. They believed that human beings were indivisible from all the other elements of the natural world: animals, birds, soil, air, mountains, water, and the sun. In the early days of migration, relations between the pioneers and Native Americans were generally  (B) . Trade was common, and sometimes fur traders married and integrated into Indian society. The travelers gave Native Americans blankets, beads, and mirrors in exchange for food. They also sold them guns and ammunition. In the 1840s, attacks on wagons were rare and the Plains Indians generally regarded these first white travelers with amusement.


(A)           (B)

traitors (수)     harmonious

savages (수)   friendly

merchants (수) hostile (수)

barbarians (수) indifferent (수)