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[공무원] 2019.02.23 서울시 7급 영어 시험 어휘 문제 정답 100% 적중

등록일 2019.02.27 조회 2,205


어휘문제 - 경선식 수능, 공편토, 최고난도에서 문제, 정답 관련 100% 적중

* 그 외 정답과는 관계없는 swivelled 과도한 난이도의 고난도 어휘가 출제 되었습니다. 

※ 빈칸에 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것은? (1~3)
1. The United States, land of liberty and opportunity, had much to be proud of. The nation            its superiority over Europe, whose masses often suffered under conditions of political enslavement and spiritual and physical want. Yet, in matters of art and culture, America had not outgrown its “colonial” status.
① entangled (수)

② swivelled
③ touted (최)

④ glistened (공)

2. The government has said it will allow terrestrial broadcasting stations to take commercial breaks mid-program. The terrestrial broadcasters―KBS, MBC and SBS―havepersistently asked for permission to show commercial breaks for about two decades, and the commission has finally bowed to the pressure. The government has banned terrestrial networks from showing advertisements during a television program to ensure the public nature of their nationwide broadcasting and protect the rights of TV viewers from advertisers. It is self-contradictory to allow commercial breaks, which can              ratings competition and program commercialization as well as infringing on viewers’ “sovereignty,” which the commission has habitually championed.

① beseech (공)

② inoculate (최)
③ spur (수)

④ trespass (수)

3. The disease, usually a virus or bacteria, forces entrance into some of the cells of the body. The virus or bacteria then uses these cells to replicate itself. A virus initiates this process by inserting its genetic code into the cells. This code then becomes briefly part of the cell’s genetic sequence. The virus uses the cell to produce new viruses. A bacterium
may initiate a(n)                process, though by more indirect means. The end result is the same. New viruses or bacteria are produced within the cell. Eventually, these are too many entities for the host cell to contain and the cell breaks open, thus freeing these new viruses or bacteria to infect other cells.
① stupendous (공)

② fraudulent (최)
③ evanescent (공)

④ analogous (공)


4. 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것은?
Much has been done to shore up the reserves of banks in the last 10 years and to put in place more rigorous oversight of the financial sector.
① bolster (최)

② degrade (공)
③ assess (수)

④ monitor (수)


7. 빈칸에 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것은?
Any physical theory is always                 , in the sense that it is only a hypothesis: you can never prove it. No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next time the result will not
contradict the theory.

① categorical (공)

② unequivocal (공)
③ provisional (공)

④ tangible (공)


17. 글의 흐름상 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은?
How are the new networks different? First, they are ( ㉠ ), meaning that all media ―voice, audio, video, or data―are increasingly communicated over a single common network. This offers economies of scope and scale in both capital expenditures and operational costs, and also allows different media to be mixed within common applications. As
a result, both technology suppliers and service providers are increasingly in the business of providing telecommunications in all media simultaneously rather than specializing in a ( ㉡ ) type such as voice, video, or data.
    ㉠                     ㉡
① expanded(수)     specific(수)
② integrated(수)     particular(중)
③ scrutinized(공)    elaborate(공)
④ splitted(수)         universal(공)