(2차)무한수강 10만원 할인 5/16 - 5/31일까지(2차)무한수강 10만원 할인 5/16 - 5/31일까지

[공무원] 2019.02.23 서울시 9급 영어 시험 어휘 문제 정답 100% 적중

등록일 2019.02.27 조회 2,300


어휘문제 - 경선식 수능, 공편토, 최고난도에서 문제, 정답 관련 100% 적중



* 2번 문항은 보기의 단어 guffaw 뜻을 알고 있으면, belly laugh 배에서 나는 큰 웃음, 껄껄 웃음의 의미가 유추가 가능하므로 정답을 풀이할 수 있는 문제였습니다.

guffaw   너털웃음, 시끄럽게 웃다
★ 거포: 큰 타구를 날리는 거포가 몸집에 맞게 껄껄껄 웃는 모습 연상 


1. 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 가까운 것은?
He made a face when he saw the amount of homework he had to do.
① glanced(수)         

② rejoiced(수)
③ grimaced(최)       

④ concentrated(중)


※ 밑줄 친 단어와 의미가 가장 가까운 것은? (2~4)

2. Whether a guffaw(최) at a joke or a reflective chuckle greeting a sarcastic remark, laughter is the audience’s means of ratifying the performance.

① smi rk(최)    

② ti ttle
③ giggle           

④ belly laugh

3. Some seniors experience a tremendous loss of self-esteem. Whereas adolescents lose their sense of childhood omnipotence, seniors experience another kind of loss. Retirement comes at about the same time that seniors may begin to lose loved ones, their health, their financial status, or their sense of competence. Suddenly, someone who was so in charge may become withdrawn and sullen, and their self-esteem may plummet.(공)
① plunge(수)         

② affirm(수)
③ swindle(공)         

④ initiate(수)

4. The beauty of the pearl, winking and glimmering in the light of the little candle, cozened(최) his brain with its beauty.
① deceived (수)

② softened (중)
③ connected  (수)

④ brightened (수)

5. 빈칸에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Critical comments include remarks on physical appearance, stress on weight loss, and reinforce the thin ideal. Some athletes indicated that negative weight-related comments from family were           events in the development of eating disorders.
① mediocre (공)

② extravagant (공)
③ treacherous  (공)

④ pivotal (공)