(2차)무한수강 10만원 할인 5/16 - 5/31일까지(2차)무한수강 10만원 할인 5/16 - 5/31일까지

[편입] 2015년 국민대학교 편입 어휘문제 적중률 95.5%

등록일 2015.01.02 조회 2,373


2015 국민대학교 편입 어휘문제 적중률 95.5%

어휘문제(동의어 찾기, 빈 칸 넣기)와 독해문제에 출제된 어휘 및 보기문항에 나온 전체 44단어 중 42단어 적중

수능+공편토+최고난도 어휘 적중률 95.5% (조사 어휘 44단어는 고3 수준 이상의 어휘부터 다루었습니다.)

- 비적중 어휘 2개 - dated, payoff
* 폰트는 ctrl+마우스휠 (위아래) 또는 ctrl+ (+키 , -키)로 조절하시기 바랍니다.



5. Unlike medicine, politics is more art than science, and it has
its own immutable(공) laws one of which says that when things
go wrong, there must be blame.


1) ineligible (공)
2) unalterable (공)
3) unreliable
4) intolerable (공)


6. When I’m boarding a plane, I always have to touch the exterior
on the right side of the door. It’s a personal travel ritual (수) that somehow
makes me feel safe.


1) game
2) hazard
3) scheme
4) ceremony

7. A customer who bought a book from me through Amazon.com
left a poor rating, along with a complaint about the book being
“too dated”.


1) damaged
2) monotonous
3) old-fashioned
4) poorly designed

8. Luxury goods makers have long valued Chinese consumers not
just because of their huge appetite for luxury goods but also
for their willingness to pay more than their Western _______.

1) cooperators (수)
2) conspirators (수)
3) co-workers
4) counterparts (수)

9. These days so many marriages end in divorce that our most sacred
vows no longer ring with truth. “Happily ever after” and “Till
death do us part” are expressions that seem on the way to
becoming _______.

1) pertinent (수)
2) obsolete (수)
3) recurrent
4) scrupulous (공)

10. “Reading had changed forever the course of my life,” writes
Malcom X in one of his essays. Malcom X’s words emphasize
the value of _______ in our life.


1) literacy (수)
2) soliloquy
3) exhortation (공)
4) articulation


11. The point of open information is not merely to expose the world
but to change it. In recent years moves toward more _______
in government have become one of the most vibrant and
promising areas of public policy. Sometimes information
disclosure can achieve policy aims more effectively and at far
lower cost than traditional regulation.


1) opaqueness (공)
2) administration
3) transparency (수)
4) bureaucratism (공)


14. Which best fits into the blank? [3 points]

1) loyalty (수)
2) contempt (수)
3) affinity-
4) fraternity (공)

15. Which best fits into the blanks~?


1) improbable  circumvent  (공) penalty (수)
2) inevitable  maximize  penalty
3) inevitable (수)  circumvent  payoff
4) improbable  maximize  payoff

18. Which is closest in meaning to the underlined grounds?


1) layers
2) dregs (공)
3) evidences (수)
4) rudiments (공)

19. Which best fits into the blank?

1) urban (수)
2) deserted
3) forgotten
4) encamped

25. Which best fits into the blank?


1) positive (수)
2) ludicrous
3) distinctive (수)
4) vulnerable (수)

27. Which best fits into the blanks C and D?

1) comfortable  disconcerting(최)
2) agreeable  disagreeable
3) unsatisfactory  unpleasant
4) oppressive(수)  liberating(수)

[28~30] Read the following and answer the questions.[2.5 points each]

Like many other parts of the media industry, publishing is being
radically (수) reshaped by the growth of the internet. Online retailers
are already among the biggest distributors of books. Now e-books
threaten to boost (수) sales of the old-fashioned kind. In response,
publishers are trying to shore up their conventional business while
preparing for a future in which e-books will represent a much bigger
chunk of sales. Publishers fret that online shopping has conditioned
consumers to expect lower prices for all kinds of books. And they
worry that the downward spiral will further erode (수) their already
thin margins as well as bring further dismay to struggling
brick-and-mortar booksellers.Unless things change, some in the
industry predict that publishers will suffer a similar fate to that of
music companies, whose fortunes faded when Apple turned the
industry upside down by selling individual songs cheaply online.

29. Which is closest in meaning to the underlined shore up ?


1) shovel
2) sustain (수)
3) eradicate (공)
4) liquidate (최)


33. Which is closest in meaning to the underlined attenuated? (공)


1) attested (공)
2) attentive
3) weakened
4) tenacious (공)