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[편입] 2015년 고려대학교 편입(KUET) 어휘문제 적중률 93.2%

등록일 2015.01.02 조회 4,728

2015 고려대학교 편입 어휘문제 적중률 93.2%

어휘문제(동의어 찾기, 빈 칸 넣기)와 독해문제에 출제된 어휘 및 보기문항에 나온 전체 74단어 중 69단어 적중

수능+공편토+최고난도 어휘 적중률 93.2% (조사 어휘 74단어는 고 3 수준 이상의 어휘부터 다루었습니다.)

- 비적중 어휘 5개 - piddling, cul-de-sac. downplay. despicability, asseverates

* 폰트는 ctrl+마우스휠 (위아래) 또는 ctrl+ (+키 , -키)로 조절하시기 바랍니다.



11. The _______ in advertising in schools reflects the increased
buying power of children and their growing influence on family

A. surge (수)
B. declivity (공)
C. setback (공)
D. lull (공)


12. The novel in born of the recognition that routine reality can be
endlessly captivating, and that the mere representation of it can
be a(n) _______ end in itself.


A. piddling
B. beguiling
C. enthralling
D. stultifying (최)


13. Falling barriers between countries, cross-border commerce,
merging economies, instant global flow of information, and
numerous other features of our modern society all lead to
multinational structures. If you _______ this irreversible trend,
you may get the planet becoming one political unit.


A. extrapolate (최)
B. avert (공)
C. obstruct
D. disrupt (공)


14. A word with few synonyms, sanity is a term first used by
physicians in the seventeenth century to refer to "health in body
and mind." Its more familiar modern connotations as the _______
madness wer only developed in the nineteenth century.


A. complement to
B. antidote to (공)
C. stimulant to
D. source of

15. Happiness operates as a kind of baseline in human life, in the
sense that you cannot reasonably ask why we should seek to
be happy. Then, what counts as happiness? There are so many
different responses to the question. In this sense, happiness is
so desperately _______. The idea of happiness


A. unequivocal (공)
B. disposable (공)
C. palpable
D. indeterminate (공)

16. The fears and courage with which a brave man deals are clearly
those commensurate with human powers. That man is brave who
shows _______ in the midst of perils which most men or all
men fear.


A. reluctance (수)
B. cowardice
C. intrepidity (수)
D. diffidence (공)


17. When people are engaged in an activity they consider intrinsically
worthwhile, offering them monetary compensation may weaken
their motivation by _______ their intrinsic interest of


A. purifying (공)
B. doubling up
C. ennobling
D. crowding out

18. Emotions are by nature situational and indexical; they point to
the ways in which the self is positioned within a particular
interactions, and in that respect, they are a sort of _______ for
the self that denotes how and where it is positioned in a particular


A. obstacle
B. shorthand (수)
C. dilemma
D. cul-de-sac


19. Dance's _______ status in sociology reflects its marginal
institutional position within contemporary culture. Art or
performance dance remains largely a minority concern, in spite
of the recent so-called 'dance boom' and attempts at mass
marketing aspects of it.


A. peripheral (공)
B. hegemonic (최)
C. autonomous (공)
D. popular

20. Apocalyptic scenarios are a popular diversion from real problems
poverty, terrorism, broken financial systems needing
intelligent attention. We _______ the idea that a calamity might
prove to be the catalyst for the longed-for transformation.


A. rule out
B. disapprove
C. wallow in (공)
D. downplay

21. Truly to transgress, you must believe that the conventions you
are bucking have some force. So once transgression itself has
become the norm, it ceases to be _______.


A. manageable
B. complacent (수)
C. regulatory
D. subversive (공)

22. We might attribute the success of a well-executed fraud to the
_______ of the hoaxers, just as we grant grudging attention to
a few of the most accomplished art fakers for their skills as

A. clumsiness (수)
B. dexterity (공)
C. atrocity
D. despicability

23. Just as Dante found it easier to conjure the pains of Hell than
to evoke the joys of Heaven, so too do bioethicists find it easier
to _______ the possible perils of a biotech-nanotech-infotech
future than to appreciate how enhancements will contribute to
flourishing lives.


A. concoct (공)
B. eradicate (공)
C. supervise (수)
D. dilute


24. Without a considerable amount of leisure, man is cut off from
many of the finer things in life. There is no longer any reason
why the bulk of the population should suffer this _______; only
foolish asceticism makes us continue to insist on work in
excessive quantities now that the need no longer exists.

A. formality
B. bounty (최)
C. luxury
D. deprivation (수)


25. For Nollywood to flourish with all the encumbrances of
corruption and derelict infrastructure is a testament to the _______
of Nigerian society. The potential of Nollywood, if effectively
harnessed, could extend Nigeria’s economic strides in the near


A. resilience (공)
B. decrepitude (공)
C. slump
D. infirmity (공)

26. Over the centuries, popular carnivals throughout Europe, while
providing the common people with a safety valve for defiling
religious images and mocking their lords and masters could
be a genuinely anarchic affair, a taste of a _______ society. (2.5점)


A. pathological (최) impulses    stratified (최)
B. conformist desires      conventional (수)
C. rebellious(공) feelings     classless
D. lewd(공) pursuits     spiritual

27. The _______ of direct evidence of what cooks were up to in
medieval and early modem kitchens is often attributed to the
idea that cooks were illiterate. However, the nature of cooks'
work as artisans places them within a well-known tradition of
guild secrecy and oral transmission of _______ knowledge.

A. adequacy   proliferating (공)
B. paucity (최)   specialized
C. plethora (수)   practical
D. accessibility (수)   universal

28. If the visual elements are considered the basic vocabulary of
art, principles of design might be viewed as the _______ of art.
Artists use principles of design to combine the visual elements
into compositions. In art, as in life, this "language" is _______
to the individual. (2.5점)

A. momentum (최)   unavailable (수)
B. resounds  irrelevant
C. criteria (수)  illegible (공)
D. grammar  idiosyncratic (공)


29. As pride sometimes is hidden under humility, idleness is often
covered by _______. He that neglects his known duty and real
employment naturally endeavors to crowd his mind with
something that may _______ the remembrance of his folly, and
does any thing but what he ought to do with eager diligence.(2.5점)


A. apathy (공) unleash (공)
B. hurry  bar out
C. nausea (공)  indulge in (수)
D. altruism (공)  trigger (수)

30. Natural instincts are either disregarded or treated as nuisances,
as _______ traits to be suppressed or at all events to be brought
into conformity with external standards. Since conformity is the
aim, what is distinctively individual in a young person is _______
or regarded as a source of mischief or anarchy. (2,5점)

A. obnoxious (공)  brushed aside
B. beneficent (수) bottled up
C. profane (공)    sanctified
D. ghastly (최)   encouraged

34. Choose the one that best fills in the blank,


A. our vulnerability (수) to pain
B. the obduracy (공) of reality
C. the origin of the universe
D. the amazing human intellect


36. Choose the one that best fills in the blank.


A. a premium
B. a prompter
C. an opiate (최)
D. a prize


51. Choose the one that best fills in the blank.


A. aggravated (공)
B. ameliorated (공)
C. mollified (공)
D. eluded

53. Choose the closest in meaning to the underlined "contravenes." (공)


A. clarifies (수)
B. corroborates (공)
C. disproves
D. asseverates


60. Which is the tone of the passage?
A. playful
B. optimistic
C. analytic (수)
D. despondent (공)