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[편입] 2014년 한국외대 편입 어휘문제 적중률 100%

등록일 2014.01.24 조회 2,695


 2014 한국외대 편입 어휘문제 적중률 100%


어휘문제(동의어 찾기, 빈 칸 넣기)와 독해문제에 출제된 어휘 및 보기문항에 나온 전체 33단어 중 33단어 적중

수능+공편토+최고난도 어휘 적중률 100% (조사 어휘 33단어는 고3 수준 이상의 어휘부터 다루었습니다.)


- 비적중 어휘 0개


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1. The president has used his veto power to _______ laws passed
by the congress that were deemed not to be in the interests of
the state.

① nullify (공편토)

② tighten

③ impose (수능)

④ overhaul (공편토)


2. The economy grew just at a rate of 0.7 percent in 2013, a(n)
_______ result after the many forecasts of robust growth from
the beginning of the year.


① plausible (수능)

② dismal (수능)

③ emphatic (최고난도)

④ inevitable


3. His speech last night was _______ because it lacked unity,
organized ideas illogically, and alternated between formal and
informal style.


① impeccable (공편토)

② infallible (공편토)

③ impassive

④ incoherent (수능)


4. The country's coal-driven economy continues to boom thanks
to _______ demands from China, India, and elsewhere.


① voracious (공편토)

② dwindling (공편토)

③ inconspicuous (공편토)

④ fluctuating (공편토)


5. The main function of the stage curtain is to conceal the audience
from inquisitive (공편토) eyes.


① apathetic (공편토)

② curious

③ sorrowful

④ attractive


6. The way he has gone about his business undoubtedly will burnish (공편토)
his overall image.

① tarnish (공편토)

② restore

③ enhance

④ distort (공편토)


7. Poe uses the concept of death and characters' deteriorating mental
conditions in order to give a sense of foreboding (공편토) and mystery
to the story.


① hypocrisy (수능)

③ barrenness (공편토)

② nonchalance (수능)

④ presentiment (공편토)


8. Daisy stated that it was a rather inscrutable (공편토) work of art, but
he liked it.


① bizarre (공편토)

② shoddy (최고난도)

③ insipid (공편토)

④ enigmatic (공편토)


9. The program must be designed to widen the choices available
to the market, not to abridge (공편토) them.


① diversity

② dictate

③ increase

④ curtail (공편토)


10. In a world ruled by photographic images, all framing borders
seem arbitrary: anything can be separated and made
discontinuous, from anything else.


① whimsical (수능)

② tyrannical

③ random

④ absolute


11. Tess was apprehended (수능) by the local police and subsequently
accused for her misdemeanor.

① understood

② appreciated

③ arrested

④ concerned



12. The elegant Princess Ingrid has long complained about Duchess
Sarah Norton's common accent.

① vulgar (수능)

② recognizable

③ trivial

④ frequent