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[편입] 2014년 성균관대학교 편입 어휘문제 적중률 100%

등록일 2014.01.24 조회 2,495


 2014 성균관대학교 편입 어휘문제 적중률 100%


어휘문제(동의어 찾기, 빈 칸 넣기)와 독해문제에 출제된 어휘 및 보기문항에 나온 전체 9단어 중 9단어 적중

수능+공편토+최고난도 어휘 적중률 100% (조사 어휘 9단어는 고3 수준 이상의 어휘부터 다루었습니다.)


- 비적중 어휘 0개


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1. You might expect optimism to erode (수능) under the tide of news
about violent conflicts and all the threats that shape human life.


1) deteriorate (공편토)

2) emerge

3) hide

4) spread

5) survive


2. Indeed, after a couple of centuries of lying dormant (공편토) China may
once again dictate, the narrative of our age.


1) unpopular

2) powerful

3) inactive

4) prominent

5) sharp


3. As incomes have risen, many families of mediocre (공편토) Chinese
students have spent a fortune on degrees from universities of
dubious quality that do little to enhance their job prospects.


1) multiple

2) average

3) intelligent

4) rich

5) important


5. One might have expected Egyptians' to be especially wary (수능) of
military intervention.


1) cautious of (수능)

2) familiar with

3) insensitive to

4) displeased with

5) frustrated by


9. These are _______ times for government in America, with
budgets shrinking for everything from the army to the National
Zoo. Republicans in Congress have taken every opportunity to
enact new cuts, threatening shutdown and default if Democrats
do not go along. Many have also resisted the proposed
immigration reforms working their way through the Senate, in
part on the grounds that they would add to the government’s
burdens by allowing newly admitted legions to sponge off Uncle


1) auspicious (공편토)

2) austere (공편토)

3) authoritarian

4) ironical

5) exciting


10. The philosophy, globally accepted for 60 years, for minimizing
the risk of nuclear war has mutually assured destruction. By this
rationale, all Arab countries and Iran are justified in acquiring
nuclear weapons to balance the perceived risk from Israel. I don't
think anyone thinks this would improve tensions in the Middle
East. Thus the only feasible solution is a nuclear-arms _______
throughout all countries in the areas, supervised by the UN with
regular inspections. The consideration applies to chemical
weapons too.


1) embargo (공편토)

2) challenge

3) armament

4) exportation

5) tradeoff