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[편입] 2014년 한양대학교 편입 어휘문제 적중률 100%

등록일 2014.01.24 조회 3,209


 2014 한양대학교 편입 어휘문제 적중률 100%


어휘문제(동의어 찾기, 빈 칸 넣기)와 독해문제에 출제된 어휘 및 보기문항에 나온 전체 47단어 중 47단어 적중

수능+공편토+최고난도 어휘 적중률 100% (조사 어휘 47단어는 고 3 수준 이상의 어휘부터 다루었습니다.)


- 비적중 어휘 0개


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3. String theory is an extremely recondite model for understanding
the universe: many physicists struggle with the theory's _______
implications of ten interconnecting dimensions.


1) lucid (공편토)

2) edifying (공편토)

3) abstruse (공편토)

4) enthralling (공편토)


4. Unlike the _______ Capote, who was never happier than when
he was in the center of a crowd of celebrities, Faulkner, in later
years, grew somewhat reclusive and shunned company.

1) austere (공편토)

2) congenial (공편토)

3) tenacious (공편토)

4) gregarious (공편토)



5. Arguably, the Internet _______ the disparity between rich and
poor counties because the economies of countries with access
to it become more competitive, whereas those without access
to it lag behind.


1) wanes (수능)

2) obviates (공편토)

3) vindicate (공편토)

4) exacerbates (공편토)


6. Throughout American history, the exemplary tradition of the
country being a sanctuary for foreigners seeking refuge from
political or religious persecution has sometimes been _______
by a tendency to regard refugees as bringing undesirable
ideologies into society, such as communism, socialism, and

1) offset (공편토)

2) mollified (공편토)

3) proscribed (공편토)

4) ameliorated (공편토)


7. In the 1960s the U.S. Supreme Court assumed the role of social
activist because a majority of justices believed that some of the
states were _______ in implementing federal laws due to factors
such as racial prejudice, which made authorities reluctant to act
lest they lose the support of their constituents.

1) tenacious (공편토)

2) languid (공편토)

3) cooperative

4) dispassionate


8. Art critic Walter Benjamin defined Modernism as "a movement
that constructed itself in opposition to the home." It is no wonder,
then, that many modem art museums adopt an angular, bare,
or industrial design. They are not attempting to create a neutral
space for art; they provide the distinctively un-cozy, anti-domestic
space modem art requires. These spaces allow the artists to discuss
aesthetic ideas, but, more importantly, they create a proper setting
for _______, socially-deconstructing art. [3 ]

1) exotic (수능)

2) temporal

3) affable (공편토)

4) subversive (공편토)


10. If you want your career to positively influence your life
expectancy, you have to be made of money. That's right! Rich
people in wealthy areas of England and France live 10 years
longer than people in poorer areas. But having a successful career
has its _______, if the result of hard work is stress. Workplace
stress is caused when a person has too much responsibility or
too many tasks to perform in a clay. Stress can lead to a number
of psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, fatigue,
tension and aggression, which seriously affect life expectancy.
These days, one in three people reports high levels of stress
associated with his or her career.
1) withdrawals

2) backlashes (공편토)


3) drawbacks (공편토)


4) repercussions (공편토)


15. During the influx of immigration into the United States
throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, some
fretful commentators thought the new residents would develop
various dialects, or even separate languages. These commentators
seriously believed that the progeny of the Irish, German, Italian,
and other European immigrants eventually would be unable to
communicate with each other. This situation never came to pass.
Especially in cities, these new arrivals mingled with each other
as well as with native speakers of English. Perhaps more
importantly, there was a powerful impulse at that time to forge
a common identity as Americans, and speaking English was a
significant part of that national identity. These factors _______
the effects of a predilection among many immigrants to create
a familiar social environment in a new place by settling near
those from the same country.


1) fueled

2) illustrated

3) mitigated (공편토)

4) determined


16. Meaning is elaborated in terms of spiritual power. Religious
images and designs, when applied to any surface, whether the
body of a participant in ritual or the surface of a shield or a
carrying bag, have the power to transform the nature of the thing
from a (A) state to an extraordinary one, from the (B)
to the sacred. In ceremony, people's bodies and objects are
taken from a dull state to one of brilliance by the application
of paint and designs.

        (A)                      (B)
1) queer  (수능)           holy

2) brilliant                   ordinary

3) mundane (공편토)   profane (공편토)

4) staggering (수능)    secular (공편토)


17. Posttraumatic stress disorder has probably been with us since
the first club hit the first skull. It used to be called shell shock,
but it has become more (A) as medical sophistication has
grown and as more severely wounded troops survive the horrors
of battle. It may affect as many as 40% of the veterans returning
from Iraq and Afghanistan. Still, it is (B) and sometimes
maddeningly difficult to detect because there are no obvious
physical manifestations; when it is paired with traumatic brain
injury, it can be entirely debilitating. [3 ]

       (A)                              (B)
1) predictable               porous (공편토)

2) identifiable               amorphous (공편토)

3) measurable             ponderous (공편토)

4) knowledgeable        preposterous (공편토)

20. Darwin did not come to his conception of natural selection in
a flash that yielded a fully formed theory. 'What appears as the
(A) clarity of his device is, I believe, quite deceptive. I
have tried to show that his notions about the parameters of natural
selection gradually took shape in Darwin's mind, and hardly came
to final form even with the publication of the first edition of
the Origin of Species. In the evolution of a set of concepts, Darwin
characterized selection as a moral and intelligent agent. Most
contemporary scholars have described Darwinian nature as
mechanical, even amoral in its ruthlessness. But Darwin
recognized, if dimly, that his original formulation of the device
and the cognitively laden language of his writing carried certain
consequences with which he did not wish to dispense and, indeed,
could not dispense with without altering his deeper conception
of the character and goal of evolution. Darwin's language and
metaphorical mode of thought gave his theory a meaning resistant
to any (B) interpretation. [3 ]

     (A)                         (B)
1) ruthless (수능)       deceptive

2) intuitive   (수능)      mechanistic

3) intelligent              deterministic


4) inspirational          evolutionary


21. The brief respite between World War I and World War II, while
an extremely turbulent time for Germany both politically and
socially, was also a period of burgeoning artistic creativity,
especially in the recently invented medium of film. Because they
had witnessed the promise of the industrial revolution turn to
the mechanized carnage of World War I and the subsequent
economic depression that ravaged their country, artists of Weimar
Republic-era Germany generally held a deep suspicion towards
technology. Fritz Lang's Metropolis, a masterpiece of Weimar
film that is still renowned by critics nearly a century later, exhibits
a deeply (A) attitude towards technology. On the one hand,
Fritz Lang presents the technological wonders that the futuristic
city provides to the ruling elite, while on the other hand he
portrays the miserable lives of the factory workers who actually
keep the city running. (B) , he uses the newly invented
technology of film and its attendant special effects to convey
his message.

                (A)                      (B)
1) dubious (공편토)          Similarly

2) sanguine (공편토)        Absurdly

3) pessimistic                 Haphazardly (최고난도)

4) ambiguous (수능)        Ironically


28. 밑줄 친 (A)-(C)에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. [3점]


        (A)                           (B)                (C)
1) declaration                   order             research

2) contentions (수능)       harmony          analysis

3) negations  (공편토)     disorder         fragmentation

4) interrogations            regeneration     integration

32. 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.


          (A)                                   (B)
1) make fun of                        ephemeral (공편토)

2) look down on                       fleeting

3) find fault with                       collateral (공편토)

4) get the upper hand of          improvising (공편토)



36. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. [3점]

1) draw on

2) play down

3) underscore (공편토)

4) juxtapose (공편토)