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[편입] 2014년 중앙대학교 편입 어휘문제 적중률 86%

등록일 2014.01.23 조회 2,848


 2014 중앙대학교 편입 어휘문제 적중률 86%


어휘문제(동의어 찾기, 빈 칸 넣기)와 독해문제에 출제된 어휘 및 보기문항에 나온 전체 57단어 중 49단어 적중

수능+공편토+최고난도 어휘 적중률 86% (조사 어휘 57단어는 고 3 수준 이상의 어휘부터 다루었습니다.)


- 비적중 어휘 8개 : parole, pliant, biddable, botched, lissome, precis, bibliopole, underdog


* 폰트 크기는 ctrl+마우스휠 (위아래) 또는 ctrl+ (+키 , -키)로 조절하시기 바랍니다.




1. He is returning to this country after a five-year stint in Hong
Kong. (최고난도)


1) exile (공편토)

2) journey

3) service

4) parole


2. He was deposed and replaced by a more pliant successor.
1) biddable

2) dexterous (공편토)

3) brawny (최고난도)

4) cerebral (최고난도)



3. Venus is the rare film that suggests that the aged are neither magical
saints nor tragic cases, but corporeal creatures like the rest of us. (최고난도)
1) bilious (최고난도)

2) palpable (최고난도)

3) impervious (공편토)

4) intuitable (수능)


4. Over 15 Igbo groups of diverse fields had met to work out a
position that could be canvassed by the Southeast geopolitical zone. (공편토)


1) botched

2) prattled (최고난도)

3) emaciated (최고난도)


4) scrutinized (공편토)



5. There is little reason to depict the scenes with the salacious,
first-person point of views they are treated with, other than to
scintillate. (최고난도)


1) group with a cause

2) help settle differences

3) seize by prior right

4) give off sparks


6. The car industry has put the kibosh on EU CO2 emission curbs.

1) obstructed

2) usurped (최고난도)

3) exploited

4) buttressed (공편토)



11. This year’s resolution is to exercise enough to become as _______
as my aerobics instructor.


1) puerile (공편토)

2) palliative (공편토)

3) lissome

4) superstitious

12. A former classmate of the Olympic medalist recalls her as a
promising _______ practicing in the city ice rink.

1) gourmet (공편토)

2) tyro (공편토)

3) crook (수능)

4) envoy (공편토)

13. To capture on canvas the _______ of the eastern sky at sunrise
is a challenge to any painter.

1) parity (최고난도)

2) peccadillo (최고난도)

3) effulgence (최고난도)

4) truce

14. _______ when it comes to Italian food especially, Grace ate a
pound of rigatoni, seven meatballs, and two servings of tricolor salad
at her midday meal.


1) Gluttonous (공편토)

2) Crestfallen (최고난도)


3) Abstemious (최고난도)

4) Nefarious (공편토)



15. Perhaps the most well-known application of ultrasound is in
making sonograms of the fetus at various stages in its development,
to _______ that growth is proceeding normally.
1) forestall (공편토)

2) confer (공편토)

3) ascertain

4) precipitate (공편토)


16. We felt repeatedly _______ by the impersonal and inflexible
bureaucracy in our attempt to win an exemption to the rule.
1) vindicated (공편토)

2) stymied (최고난도)


3) disembarrassed


4) gesticulated (최고난도)


17. The first two comments on his article were off-topic and
unintelligible nonsense, just complete _______.
1) kernel (공편토)

2) gibberish (공편토)


3) coherence (수능)


4) virtuosity (공편토)


18. Because it is totally absurd to read through the thick volume
within the deadline, stop researching the Internet and refer to the
_______ to grasp the story.

1) precis

2) bibliopole

3) epitaph (최고난도)

4) choreographer (최고난도)


21. When Nancy Wexler received an unexpected call from her father
in 1968 asking her to fly to Los Angeles to meet him, she had a
_______ that something was wrong. Her fears were justified. He
had not wanted to tell her over the telephone that her mother was
suffering from Huntington’s disease, an illness first identified in 1872.
The _______ news came as a triple blow. Her mother would be
subjected to devastating mental and physical deterioration before
death mercifully ended her suffering.
1) resentment - doleful (x-공편토)

2) foreboding - exiguous (공편토-최고난도)

3) diagnosis - evanescent (x-공편토)

4) presentiment - dolorous (공편토-최고난도)



22. Although several studies have indicated that groups are more
likely to trigger antisocial action, there is some evidence that these
effects do not simply represent _______. For instance, some
researchers reported that dressing participants in medical gowns
decreased aggression, whereas having them wear terrorist-like outfits
increased it. Other researchers found that anonymity decreased the
aggressiveness of males but increased that of females. These outcomes
suggest that situation-specific or gender standards may be affecting

1) social alienation

2) radical anarchism (수능)

3) underdog effect

4) norm-free behavior