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[편입] 2014년 서강대학교 편입 어휘문제 적중률 96.6%

등록일 2014.01.10 조회 2,926


 2014 서강대학교 편입 어휘문제 적중률 96.6%


어휘문제(동의어 찾기, 빈 칸 넣기)와 독해문제에 출제된 어휘 및 보기문항에 나온 전체 29단어 중 28단어 적중

수능+공편토+최고난도 어휘 적중률 96.6% (조사 어휘 29단어는 고 3 수준 이상의 어휘부터 다루었습니다.)


- 비적중 어휘 1개 : renunciation


* 폰트 크기는 ctrl+마우스휠 (위아래) 또는 ctrl+ (+키 , -키)로 조절하시기 바랍니다.





1. Innovation that happens from the top down tends to be orderly
but dumb. Innovation that happens from the bottom up tends
to be ___(a)___ but ___(b)___.


     (a)           (b)
1) unhinged  - garbled  (최고난도-최고난도)

2) assiduous - intelligent (공편토-x)

3) disarming - wicked

4) chaotic    - smart (수능-x)



2. We are living in the middle of a revolution in _______. Over
the past few years, geneticists, neuroscientists, psychologists,
sociologists, economists, anthropologists, and others have made
great strides in understanding the building blocks of human
flourishing. And a core finding of their work is that we are not
primarily the products of our conscious thinking. We are primarily
the products of thinking that happens below the level of


1) intelligence

2) cognizance (공편토)

3) emotion

4) consciousness



3. If the study of the conscious mind highlights the importance
of ___(a)___ and analysis, study of the unconscious mind
highlights the importance of ___(b)___ and perception. If the
outer mind highlights the power of the individual, the inner mind
highlights the power of relationships and the invisible bonds
between people.


       (a)           (b)
1) reason   -  passions

2) penchant  -  sensitivity (공편토-x)

3) veracity   -   connection (공편토-x)

4) expediency -  compassion (공편토-x)



6. There are two approaches when getting to know the work of
a great artist like Toni Morrison. The first I call the Cannonball:
take that artist's most ___(a)___, often challenging work and
plunge in as deeply and as quickly as you can. The second is
the Doggy Paddle, where you begin with the artist's most
___(b)___, often most popular volumes and work your way
toward the opuses. Which approach you prefer is a question of
style. I get intimidated and scared off easily. I Doggy Paddle.

        (a)           (b)

1) compelling - recondite (x-최고난도)

2) acclaimed - accessible (공편토-x)

3) interesting -  abstruse (x-공편토)

4) pliant - arduous (공편토-공편토)



7. Winston Churchill was fond of saying that “America will always
do the right thing, but only after _______ all other options.”

1) consuming

2) exhausting

3) mesmerizing (공편토)

4) inoculating (최고난도)



10. Genuine love is volitional rather than emotional. (공편토)


1) violent

2) willing

3) disheartening

4) unconscious



11. He that has once done you a kindness will be more ready to
do you another, than he whom you yourself have obliged. Human
felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune
that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day. (최고난도)


1) affliction

2) resolution

3) performance

4) happiness



17. Choose the one that best fills in the blank.


1) nurtured

2) intimated

3) exploited

4) coaxed (공편토)



20. Choose the one that best fills in the blank.


1) equilibrium

2) balance

3) conflict

4) turmoil



36. Which of the following is the best pair for the blanks?


           (a)              (b)
1) subordination - restraint (수능-수능)

2) fidelity - entitlement (공편토-x)

3) impediment - dissipation (공편토-공편토)

4) renunciation - deliverance (비적중-공편토)



40. Choose the word with the meaning closest to the underlined word.


1) abominate (공편토)

2) revoke (공편토)

3) recount

4) abhor (공편토)