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[편입] 2014년 경희대학교 편입 어휘문제 적중률 96.7%

등록일 2014.01.09 조회 3,085


 2014 경희대학교 편입 어휘문제 적중률 96.7%


어휘문제(동의어 찾기, 빈 칸 넣기)와 독해문제에 출제된 어휘 및 보기문항에 나온 전체 90단어 중 87단어 적중

수능+공편토+최고난도 어휘 적중률 96.7% (조사 어휘 90단어는 고 3 수준 이상의 어휘부터 다루었습니다.)


- 비적중 어휘 3개 : leviathan, musty, decree


* 폰트 크기는 ctrl+마우스휠 (위아래) 또는 ctrl+ (+키 , -키)로 조절하시기 바랍니다.





1. Trotsky was undoubtedly the most brilliant intellect brought to
prominence by the Russian Revolution, outdistancing Lenin and
other theoreticians both in the range of his interests and in the
imaginativeness of his perceptions. He was an indefatigable
worker, a rousing public speaker, and a decisive administrator. (공편토)


1) sociable

2) tireless

3) persuasive

4) reasonable



2. Antonia Susan Byatt, born Aug 24, 1936, Sheffield, England,
was an English scholar, literary critic, and novelist known for
her erudite works whose characters are often academics or artists
commenting on the intellectual process. (최고난도)


1) eloquent (수능)

2) learned

3) arrogant

4) reticent (공편토)



3. Acquired heart diseases are conditions affecting the heart and
its associated blood vessels that develop during a person's
lifetime, in contrast to congenital heart diseases, which are present
at birth. Acquired heart diseases include coronary artery disease,
rheumatic heart disease, diseases of the pulmonary vessels and
the aorta, and diseases of the heart valves. (공편토)


1) acute (공편토)

2) contagious (수능)

3) innate (수능)

4) senile (최고난도)



4. Nachman brough the ad to the attention of the three city
commissioners and told the police commissioner that there was
no doubt that he could bring an action against the Times. The
ad cast aspersion on Sullivan because it implied that the police
force was complicit in the bombing of the home of Martin Luther
King, Jr. (공편토)


1) praise


2) conspiracy (수능)

3) lamentation (수능)


4) slander (공편토)

5. The second part of the solution lay in using staggered periodic
elections to make the decisions of any given majority subject
to the concurrence of other majorities distributed over time. In
the United States, for example, presidents are elected every four
years and members of the House of Representatives every two
years. (공편토)

1) agreement

2) reconciliation

3) vehemence (최고난도)

4) distrust



6. The unanimous ruling was hailed by civil libertarians as a signal
moment in the struggle for free speech. (공편토)


1) applauded (수능)

2) forestalled (공편토)

3) repulsed (공편토)

4) overturned



7. China is an unbeatable industrial juggernaut that will steamroll
its competitors in its relentless quest for wealth and power. (최고난도)


1) maverick (최고난도)

2) machination (최고난도)

3) largesse (최고난도)

4) leviathan



8. The human cost of this scourge becomes apparent to any visitor
to Cambodia the pockmarked nation has an estimated 40,000
amputees. (최고난도)


1) chastisement (최고난도)

2) vicissitude (공편토)

3) upheaval (공편토)

4) turmoil (공편토)



9. If a new spirit is to be infused into this old country, there is
one thorny reform which must be tackled, and that is the
galvanization of the B.B.C. (공편토)


1) disintegration (공편토)

2) invigoration (수능)

3) enervation (공편토)

4) attenuation (공편토)



10. All such communicative events are punctuated routinely by
various units of traditional material that are memorable and
repeatable. (공편토)


1) described

2) articulated (공편토)

3) emphasized

4) addressed


11. The notion that income is a remedy for indigence has a certain
forthright appeal. (공편토)


1) hardship

2) poverty

3) industry

4) anguish (공편토)



12. They have languished in filthy jails, suffering the abuse and
brutality of the policeman. (공편토)


1) flourished

2) declined

3) ameliorated (공편토)

4) degraded



13. Heavy industry (i.e., shipbuilding, steelworks, and oil refining)
has become _______; however, plants were modernized to
produce automotive parts, chemicals, electronics, tobacco, paper,
and foodstuffs.


1) sophisticated

2) obsolete (수능)

3) lucrative (공편토)


4) indispensable


14. Minahasa, northeasternmost portion of the longest of the four
peninsulas that project from the curiously shaped, mountainous
island of Celebes (Sulawesi), Indonesia. The peninsula _______
northeast between the Celebes and Molucca seas.


1) protects

2) propounds

3) protracts (공편토)

4) protrudes (공편토)



15. Infection of the cartilage of the outer ear is unusual but may
occur from injury or from swimming in polluted water. It is
due to a particular microorganism, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
There is a greenish, _______ or foul-smelling discharge from
the outer-ear canal.

1) murky (최고난도)

2) salty

3) musty

4) bulky (수능)



17. So in this sense the universe is intractable, astonishingly _______
to any human attempt at full knowledge.


1) relevant

2) pandering (최고난도)

3) yielding

4) immune (수능)



18. Even when my mother was with me in the room, yet this only
made the distance even more _______; an almost palpable
distance built on the intensity of our desperate longing to be
anywhere else.


1) tenuous

2) vague

3) tangible (공편토)

4) subtle



19. But by far the greatest hindrance and _______ of the human
understanding proceed from the dullness, incompetency, and
deceptions of the senses.


1) logicality

2) aberration (공편토)

3) infallibility (수능)

4) acumen (공편토)



20. Smith sees the recordings as the ______ result of an unlikely
business enterprise: "That they captured this beautiful moment
in culture was completely accidental."


1) fortuitous (최고난도)

2) predictable

3) concomitant (공편토)

4) inevitable (수능)



21. Dawson dominates these human beings, not just by patronizing
them, but also through the constant threat of his _______ ridicule.


1) ludicrous (공편토)

2) lulling (공편토)

3) incisive (공편토)

4) useless


22. In an unsettling paradox, our culture's emphasis on security and
certainty may not only be fostering the current risk taking wave,
but could _______ riskier activities in the future.

1) prevent

2) spawn (공편토)

3) offset (공편토)

4) retard (공편토)



29. He projects steely confidence and strength. He makes no effort
to be (a)_______. One senses that he pays constant obeisance
to a (b)_______ inner discipline. He gives an impression of
contained power.


1) ingratiating - determined (공편토-x)

2) antagonistic - feeble (공편토-공편토)

3) demanding - unavailing

4) conciliatory - ineffectual (공편토-x)



30. Although Duchamp could not be classified as belonging to any
particular movement, he did, for a time, have close links to the
anarchist revolt known as Dada; the frenzied rebellion against
the (a)_______ of war, (b)_______, instrumental logic and national policy.


1) moderation - atonement (x-공편토)

2) magnitude - bliss (x-수능)

3) gravity - pacifism

4) insanity - genocide (수능-공편토)



31. The revenge pattern of injury and retribution creates a narrative
in which the unity of justice and order (a)_______: the guilty
suffer and are punished, and the crimes committed against the
(b)_______ are visited upon those who have committed those


1) triumphs - perverted (수능-최고난도)

2) surrenders - sinless

3) prevails - innocent

4) persists - depraved (x-공편토)


46. Which of the following is a most suitable word for the blank a?


1) accepted

2) dwindled (공편토)

3) retaliated (공편토)

4) confused



48. 빈칸 a에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어는?


1) abundance

2) extravagance (공편토)

3) contentment

4) superfluity (공편토)



50. 빈칸 a와 b에 공통으로 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어는?


1) cessation(s) (공편토)

2) denouement(s) (최고난도)

3) compromise(s)

4) decree(s)



54. 윗글의 문맥상 빈칸 b와 c에 들어갈 가장 적절한 단어의 조합은?


1) optimism - complacency (x-공편토)

2) leniency - meticulousness (공편토-공편토)

3) condescension - voraciousness (최고난도-공편토)

4) resiliency - obduracy (공편토-공편토)



56. 윗글의 문맥상 빈칸 a에 가장 알맞은 단어는?

1) discordant (공편토)

2) impartial

3) refutable

4) annoying



60. 다음 밑줄 친 b에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어는?


1) intellectualism

2) malaise (공편토)

3) insecurities

4) reverberations (최고난도)