(2차)무한수강 10만원 할인 5/16 - 5/31일까지(2차)무한수강 10만원 할인 5/16 - 5/31일까지

[공무원] 2014.06.27 서울시 9급 영어 시험  - 어휘문제 100% 적중

등록일 2014.06.30 조회 3,465


2014.06.27 서울시 9급 어휘 문제 - 경선식 수능, 공편토, 최고난도에서 100% 적중




[어휘 문제]


1. David decided to efface(공편토 p219) some lines from his manuscript.


1)  enlighten

2) appreciate

3) construe

4) recite


5) erase (수능 p169)


정답 : 5번



2. Including several interviews with the residents who
used to mine but now suffer from asthma, the
documentary delves into coal mining issues in the
suburban area of Ontario.


1) discourse


2) corroborate


3) explicate


4) converse


5) investigate (수능 p371)


정답 : 5번



3. The Polish coach admits he would love to emulate (공편토 p206)
the Frenchman by taking charge of 1,000 matches at
the same club.


1) imitate (수능 p249)


2) comfort


3) excruciate


4) substantiate


5) announce


정답 : 1번



4. We ve got a new junior assistant, fresh from law
school. He s very idealistic―still wet behind the ears.


1) an optimist


2) a rookie (최고나도 p51)


3) a misfit


4) a functionary


5) a troublemaker


정답 : 2번



6. When you observe peaceful, relaxed people, you
find that when they are feeling good, they are very
grateful. They understand that both positive and
negative feelings come and go, and that there will
come a time when they won t be feeling so good. To
happy people, this is okay, it s the way of things.
They accept the of passing feelings.


1) vengeance


2) indolence


3) inevitability (수능 p372)


4) reluctance


5) expulsion


정답 : 3번



10.     (A)                                   (B)


1) restrict                                   circumvented


2) expedite                               recorded


3) circumscribe (공편토 p438)      ignited (공편토 p121) 


4) ban                                     depicted


5) facilitate                               spurred


정답 : 3번