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[수능] 2017.3월 고3 모의고사 해설강의

등록일 2017.03.15 조회 6,240








고3 3월 모의고사 분석


1. EBS 활용 어떻게 할 것인가?


2017 수능 EBS 실질 연계율과 분석

Reading Part(18번~45번) 연계율

90% 이상 직접 연계된 문항  = 9문항
24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 35, 36, 38, 40


* 2017 수능 EBS 연계율 = 9/28 = 32.1%
* 2016 수능 EBS 연계율 = 32.1%

* 간접 연계된 문제들의 실질 연계율은 모두 0~5% 미만


2017, 16 수능 TOP4 어휘서 적중률 비교


교재명                  비적중(17/16)       적중률   
경.수능+공.편.토           8(4)                98%
경.수능                      27(14)              94%
ebs1800                     132                  72%
N                            128(89)              73%
W                            117(71)              75%
오차범위 1% 내외
* 1등급 이상을 원하면 “경.수능 + 공편토” 필수!

EBS 활용 어떻게 할 것인가?


경.영.초 수능(+ 공편토)로 준비
ebs voca 1800 믿지 마라


문법, 독해
기본실력을 다진 후 EBS 문제 풀이


* 고3 초단기 대비법 특강!


2. 오답률 top 5  해설


오답률 top 5
28, 33, 32, 29, 31


28.다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점]
One of the simplest and most effective ways to build empathy in children ①is to let them play more on their own. Unsupervised kids are not reluctant to tell one another how they feel. In addition, children at play often take on other roles, pretending to be Principal Walsh or Josh’s mom, happily forcing ②themselves to imagine how someone else thinks and feels.

Unfortunately, free play is becoming rare. Boston College research professor Peter Gray has documented a continuous and ③ultimately dramatic decline in children’s opportunities to play and explore in their own chosen ways over the past fifty years in the United States and other developed countries. The effects have been especially ④damaged, he argues, to empathy. He concludes that a decline of empathy and a rise in narcissism are exactly ⑤what we would expect to see in children who have little opportunity to play socially.
*empathy: 공감, 감정 이입

33.Science and technology degrees are rewarding because they are not designed . If you are taking a highly specialized or vocational degree, you may well know what career you are aiming for even before you get to university, but for most science and technology undergraduates university is an adventure in itself; ideas about a career may be in your thoughts, but not completely fixed. This gives you the advantage of knowing that you can develop your career ideas as your course progresses, aware that your degree will be of help to you in many areas of work. It is perhaps with this in mind that science and technology degree programs tend to be wide in scope and flexible in approach. You might go to university to study chemistry and find yourself doing some work within the physics department. [3점]
① to represent a socially privileged status
② necessarily to be obtained in the university
③ to force you to follow the established scholars
④ only to grade you and make you feel frustrated
⑤ exclusively to get you into a job and keep you there


32.Much of the communication among chimps, as for animals in general, is . One prime example involved six young chimpanzees being studied in the 1970s at the Delta Primate Research Center. One of them (we’ll call him the “leader”) was introduced alone into an enclosure and shown either a hidden source of food or a stuffed snake. When this chimp was reunited with his fellows outside the enclosure, they quickly resumed their normal activities. There was no readily apparent sign that the leader communicated his important knowledge to the other chimps. Yet, when all six were allowed into the enclosure after the leader had been shown food, the group headed straight for the food. In the “snake” condition, the chimps all entered the enclosure with the fur on their backs spiking up and approached the danger zone with extreme caution, poking at the leaf bed with sticks rather than with their hands. Either the leader chimp had conveyed the information to the others, or they were superbly attuned to his intentions. [3점]
* enclosure: 울타리로 둘러싸인 구역


① affected by their habitat
② too subtle for us to notice
③ rarely relationship­oriented
④ readily open to other species
⑤ surprisingly inferior to that of ours



29.(A), (B), (C)의 각 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
Until the twentieth century, when composers began experimenting freely with form and design, classical music continued to follow basic rules relating to structure, not to mention harmony. There still was room for (A) conformity / individuality ―the great composers didn’t follow the rules, but made the rules follow them―yet there was always a fundamental proportion and logic behind the design.
Even after many of the rules were (B) maintained / overturned by radical concepts in more recent times, composers, more often than not, still organized their thoughts in ways that produced an overall, unifying structure. That’s one reason the atonal, incredibly complex works by Arnold Schönberg or Karlheinz Stockhausen, to name two twentieth­century Modernists, are nonetheless (C) approachable / inaccessible . The sounds might be very strange, but the results are still decidedly classical in terms of organization.
*atonal: 무조의, 장조나 단조 등의 조를 따르지 않는
 (A)       (B)      (C)
① conformity   maintained   approachable
② individuality   overturned   approachable
③ individuality   maintained   approachable
④ individuality   maintained   inaccessible
⑤ conformity   overturned   inaccessible


31.Recent research by Juliet Zhu and J. J. Argo suggests that making subtle changes to the seating arrangements in meetings can have an effect on what people choose to focus their attention on. For example, the study found that circular seating arrangements typically activated people’s need to belong. As a result, they were more likely to focus on the group’s collective objectives and be persuaded by messages and proposals that highlighted group benefits rather than benefits to any one individual.
This effect was reversed, however, when the seating arrangement was either angular (think L­shaped) or square. These seating arrangements tended to activate people’s need for . As a result, people were more responsive and reacted more favorably to messages and proposals that were self­oriented and that allowed them to elevate their individualism.
① uniqueness  ② safety  ③ certainty
④ harmony   ⑤ fairness


3. 시간을 줄이는 유형별 풀이비법 요약


글의 목적: 거꾸로 해석

요지, 주제, 제목: 앞 1~2문장 + 뒤 1~2문장

내용 일치: 거꾸로 1~2문장 해석하면서 보기와

8.다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?

We hope you enjoyed your recent stay with Youth Hostels Association. We are continually striving to improve the services we offer to our guests and we hope you will take the opportunity to inform us about what you really think. Your feedback is important to us and we would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to share your experience and opinions.
Complete the survey now and you will be entered into a FREE monthly prize draw, and will have the chance to win £200 worth of overnight vouchers to be used with your next booking, at any Youth Hostel of your choice in England and Wales. We appreciate your feedback.
① 경품 당첨 소식을 알리려고
② 예약 취소 불가를 통지하려고
③ 시설 훼손 비용을 청구하려고
④ 설문 조사 참여를 요청하려고
⑤ 숙박 시설 개장을 홍보하려고


19.다음 글에 드러난 ‘I’의 심경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?
Before I could get off my horse, I heard a disturbing sound. Charlie heard it, too. He stopped abruptly and backed quickly away from the sound. The rattling sound seemed to echo down the river. As I turned my head, I caught a glimpse of a brown and gray curled creature. The rattlesnake was in position to strike. Fear gripped my heart and it pounded furiously. My hands began to sweat and my legs were trembling. I knew any slight movement might make the deadly snake strike. I had only one choice: to get Charlie out of danger. He had the same idea. He spun quickly, avoiding the rattlesnake’s attack. As we reached a safe distance, my heart rate began to slow to its regular rhythm. I patted Charlie’s head and said, “Good boy. You saved my life.”

① frightened→relieved  ② cheerful→upset
③ curious→disappointed ④ bored→excited
⑤ ashamed→grateful


20, 21, 22, 23번 요지, 주제, 제목
22. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
It has been estimated that every $1.00 spent on locally produced foods returns (or circulates) $3.00 to $7.00 within the community. Consumers buy produce and other goods from local farmers, who buy farm supplies from local businesses. Those businesses help to keep people in the community employed, and, in turn, they spend their money back in the community. This helps to encourage a thriving community and increases the economic health of the region. In addition, when farmers have direct access to consumers, they are able to keep more of each dollar earned from a sale, because the middle­man is eliminated. This increases profits to producers and keeps their farms competitive with the traditional retail chain stores. Purchasing local produce not only improves the local economy, but it can also help you stretch your food dollar and get high­quality fruits and vegetables.
① Buy Locally, Create a Positive Chain Effect
② Are Locally Produced Foods High in Quality?
③ Purchase Fresh Foods, Make the World Green
④ The Local Farmer as a New Community Leader
⑤ Who Benefits from the Traditional Retail Chain?

24.다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

The two pie charts above show the percentages of foreign­trained doctors who were working in the U.S. in 2013 and in the UK in 2014 by countries of origin. ①Doctors who were trained in India represented the largest part both in the U.S. and in the UK. ②In the U.S., the percentage of doctors from the Caribbean islands and the EU countries took up more than one­tenth, respectively. ③Doctors who were trained in Africa accounted for a greater percentage in the UK than in the U.S. ④The percentage of Pakistan­trained doctors in the UK was more than double that in the U.S. ⑤In the U.S., the percentage of doctors from the EU countries was lower than that of the doctors from Canada and Mexico combined.

25.A. Manette Ansay에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Award­winning author A. Manette Ansay was born in Michigan in 1964, and grew up in Wisconsin. She was talented at playing the piano when young and subsequently trained as a concert pianist, attending the Peabody Conservatory of Music. However, by the age of 21 she had to give up the pursuit because of ill health, and by 23 she began writing in need of another outlet for her creative energies. Since then, she has become a best­selling novelist. After her time at Peabody, she worked for a while at the American Museum of Natural History before returning to school at the University of Maine to study anthropology. Since the 1990s, her health has gradually stabilized, though there are still times when even writing is challenging. Ansay went on to study and work at Cornell University, and then became an assistant professor at Vanderbilt University.
① 어린 시절에 피아노 연주에 재능이 있었다.
② 23세 무렵에 글을 쓰기 시작했다.
③ 미국 자연사 박물관에서 근무한 적이 있다.
④ 1990년대 이후 건강을 완전히 회복했다.
⑤ Vanderbilt 대학교의 조교수가 되었다.

26.King Clay Pottery Classes에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
King Clay Pottery Classes
Join our pottery classes and learn how to make pots on the wheel. Each class consists of mixed levels of students.
▪Maximum class size: 10 students
▪Schedule of classes
  ‒Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 7 p.m.‒10 p.m.
  ‒Wednesday: 1 p.m.‒4 p.m.
 ‒The studio is also open to all students from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday. There is no instruction but you can work on whatever you want.

▪Fee: $340 for a ten­week session. This fee includes Saturday studio time and all materials.

For more information, call Rebecca at (703) 543‒7654 or email her at theclayking@pottery2017.net.
① 동일한 수준의 수강생으로 반이 구성된다.
② 반은 최소 10명으로 구성된다.
③ 수요일에는 오후 7시부터 수업이 진행된다.
④ 토요일에도 강습을 받을 수 있다.
⑤ 수강료에 모든 재료비가 포함되어 있다.

2. Creatures of the Night에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Creatures of the Night
Experience the wonders of night animals and their amazing adaptations to nature at the annual Creatures of the Night.
▸ Enjoy exciting activities!
  ⦁Meet night creatures, such as owls, fireflies, and more!
  ⦁Search for live bats and meet a bat ecologist.
  ⦁Watch a puppet theater.
  ⦁Take a guided night hike.
▸ Program fee
   Full price: $8
   OFP member: $6
   Children 2 and under: free
Food will be available for purchase from a food truck.
Pre­registration is recommended!
① 오후 5시부터 오후 10시까지 진행된다.
② 박쥐 생태학자를 만날 수 있다.
③ 안내원이 동행하는 야간 하이킹이 있다.
④ OFP 회원은 참가비가 무료다.
⑤ 먹거리 트럭에서 음식을 구입할 수 있다.



* 고3 초단기 대비법 특강!