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[수능] 2015.6월 고3 모의고사 해설강의

등록일 2015.06.04 조회 3,626








고3 6월 모의고사 분석



1. EBS 실질적 연계율과 내용변화


읽기 18~45번 총 28문항 중
직접연계 11문항 (98% 이상 연계)
간접문항 7문항  (15% 정도 연계)

21, 23, 26, 27: 실질적 유사성 없음
22, 24, 25: 15~40%의 유사한 문장들이 있지만 실질적 도움은 평균 10~20% 정도

실질적 연계율 11~13문항/28 = 39~46%

ex) 21번 : 수특 13강 5번

21. Although the Internet seems truly global these days, less than half of the world’s population has access to it. Some four billion people are still unconnected. This spring, IT engineers will begin to shift to the next phase in a grand plan to bring the Internet to everyone. Their goal is to establish a network of high-altitude balloons that will rain 4G LTE signals down to anyone with a 4G device. Regional telecom companies will transmit the signals to the balloons, and then each balloon will relay the signals to a ground area many miles in diameter. In this way, farmers in remote areas will be able to access weather data, and rural children will be able to pursue online educations. By the end of the year, the engineers aim to have 100 balloons about 13 miles up.


수특 13강 5.
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
History shows that new communications technologies strengthen some forms of interpersonal communication while disrupting others. ① The advent of the Internet has the potential for bringing about a situation in which everyone is our neighbor in a small, electronically mediated global village. ② The virtual communities that have formed on the Internet are an initial indication that new types of human relationships may be created. ③ The convenience and freedom enabled by wireless communications technologies are changing the way we access networks and use electronic devices in the enterprise, the home and on the road. ④ However, there is also the danger that the world could evolve into an extremely divided postmodern society in which chaos dominates. ⑤ Information technologies may also lower the sense of social presence we experience when we talk to people face to face.


* EBS 연계시 어휘를 쉽게 변형함.

hankering(동경, 갈망) -> preference(선호, 좋아함)

swarms(떼, 무리) -> vast groups(거대한 그룹들)

flattered(우쭐해지다) -> happy

accelerate(가속하다) -> rush(서두르다)

buzz(흥분) -> thrill
derail(탈선시키다, 무산시키다) -> frustrate

competency(능력) -> ability

are deprived of(박탈당하다) -> lose

offspring(자식, 자손) -> children

innate(타고난) -> inherent(타고난)

ample(광대한, 넓은) -> extensive




2. 문제 해설


a. 18, 19번(글의 목적, 심경변화)
b. 21~27번 (내용일치, 주제, 제목)
c. 28번(어법)
d. 나머지 오답률 1~5위(29, 32, 33, 39, 42)